Monday, April 28, 2014

Haman's descendants in Bnei Berak?

The Abarbanel in his commentary to the Haggadah writes that the story of the rabbis sitting in Bnei Brak is significant in that Brak was the place named after the children of Haman who had converted, as the Talmud Sanhedrin 96b states that his descendants ended up learning Torah in Bnei Brak.

Rav Reuven Margoliot (in his commentary to the Haggadah) thinks the Talmud's line was a mistaken text, that it never said "the descendants of Haman". Instead, it actually said, "the descendants of NA'AMAN learned Torah in Bnei Brak", which flows with the previous section of the Talmudic discussion. He points to a Baal Haturim in Exodus 28:7 which quotes this alternative text. This alternative text, he writes, resolves the contradiction that the Mechilta states that God swears that no descendant of Amalek can convert into the nation of Israel.

What's particularly interesting is that Maimonides holds an Amalekite can convert to Judaism, seemingly because of this statement of the Talmud that, according to Rav Reuven, is mistaken.

At the end of his comment, Rav Reuven says, "And praise be to God that I merited to fulfill the mitzvah of 'You shall surely erase the memory of Amalek'."

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